Blind Side

I was playing football for gym with my class. A kid who has bullied me for a year and a half is also in the class. A kid on my team threw the football and it hit this bully “down below”, he turned around and decided to hit me down below. I decided to tackle him and told him to leave me alone. When I started to turn around he hit me in the eye. I could stop throwing up, sweating, I couldn’t see straight and talking was too hard. My mom took me to the hospital and they did a CT scan and sent us home with a concussion protocol. Then 6 days later I was still sick to my stomach and I started to vomit so my dad took me to the ER, they assumed it was a stomach bug. My mom felt something was off so on Monday, a week after my concussion she took me to the pediatrician. The pediatrician noticed some numbness and my eye wasn’t working right. She immediately sent us to the ER for a new and larger CT scan. After meeting with a whole lot of doctors they determined I had a fracture on my orbital bone and my muscle was stuck in the fracture. The following day I had surgery and they also had to put a metal plate on my orbital bone. That was 2 days ago.


If i saw bullying.

If I saw bullying, I would tell the teacher, stand up to the bully, cheer up the person whose getting bullied, and say “That is not cool” to the bully.


My bullying story

I was always getting left out and talked about by my cousins. I still get left out till this day. I was called a stick in the fourth grade. Then I was called fat as I got older. Im glad my mother taught me how to be alone. Cause if she didn’t I would get my feelings hurt almost everyday.


how I am getting bullied

I am getting bullied almost every day to the point I have to tell a teacher. I don’t like being a tattle tale so I try hard not to snitch on the person but when you bully me over and over again it gets frustrating. I am always getting bullied by the same person. He is the main person bullying this school and he picked me.


How A bullies me

This girl named A sometimes calls me bad names. Sometimes she hurts me on purpose. But it feels nice to tell my story. I hope A doesn’t stay at my school, she harasses me. I have two amazing parents who are helping me report my troubles to the school. My brother is very supportive. Once she called me a bad name and I got super sad, I told the teacher, but I was blamed.

I think people should be treated with kindness and respect. A reminds me that I need to be a good person.

My best friend always helps me through everything. She’s my human diary, her name is N, I tell her everything, She always helps me. Thank you for reading my story!



i was made fun of because the color of my skin



I get bullied because i’m short ALL THE TIME



Once when I moved to this school a boy and his friend kept picking on me, they called me fat and hit me even though I’m a girl and my teacher said boys can’t hit girls. Nobody told on them cuz they wanted to stay popular but one day one of them got caught kicking open the girls bathroom door so the principal put him in trouble, so I told them about the other boy and the office dealt with him too. Now the teacher keeps an eye on him and he’s not allowed to talk to me also they gotta use the office bathroom instead.
Hopefully other people getting hurt also can be brave and tell an adult.


the kid named jack

in kindergarten there was a kid named jack and when i first came to the school he just pushed me around and stuff so i told the teacher and he got in trouble. in 1st grade we became friends but in a blink in an of eye I’m in 4th grade now and I’m 9 years old.


The worst

So my friend we’ll call him j for privacy he loves to slap me every time I see him and he is very loud and I tell him to stop constantly but he never does:(
