How Can You Help?
Bullying doesn’t affect just those who are bullied and those who bully, it has a huge impact on those who see the behavior!
The group of kids who witness bullying is really important. This group may not be getting bullied, they may not be bullying, but their reaction can make a big difference.
Think about it: Have you ever seen a group watching a fight? There are some who look, then walk away; there are others who watch and say nothing; and there are those who cheer it on.
How this group responds can really impact a situation.
Learn what you can do so that you have a positive influence!
Witnesses – What Can They Do?
If you see someone being bullied, speak up!
- When students are willing to say they think something is wrong, they can make a difference.
- Let others know that you don’t accept bullying at your school, and others will be more willing to speak up, too.
- If you see bullying, you can tell a grown-up. Telling is not tattling. It’s okay to tell. Reach out!
- Tell the kid who is being bullied that he or she doesn’t deserve to be treated that way. Nobody does.
- Ask friends to join you in being a kid against bullying.
Telling vs. Tattling
A lot of kids say that they don’t want to tell an adult about bullying because they don’t want to be called a tattle-tale. But there’s a big difference between “telling” and “tattling.”

It’s okay to tell an adult when you see bullying.
In fact, it’s a really smart thing to do!