2 girls named V and B

So I’m in 7th grade and some of the kids at my school always push me around. They make fun of me and treat me like trash. Most of my classmates are very nice, but 2 girls, V and B, are very mean. B punched me and hit me with a ball on purpose. V is just rude and mean towards me. My BFF’s help me and stick up for me, but sometimes its hard to push past those things. I also have asthma, and one of the boys mocked my wheezing.


My side of the way adult help or face challenges

I am 8th grade actually I have a friend  she and me were bullied by some boys of our class. these two use to bully and one boy I don’t know why. I talked to the teacher so she take care of this. please be confident or speak to an adult whom you know.


Ria’s Stand Against Cyberbullying

In my freshman year of high school, I was cyberbullied along with other kids on an Instagram account under our school’s name right before our finals. I was stressed and worried, and I felt like there was no way out. But knowing that other people were going through the same cyberbullying, I set up meetings with the principal at my school, contacted authorities for help, and even attempted to start a club to raise awareness. However, the police and principal said cyberbullying was too much of a gray area to even send an email about, the club was rejected because it was too “CS-oriented” to raise awareness about cyberbullying, and I was constantly met with rejection. After finding that I wasn’t the only one facing rejection, and there were so many people who were in the same boat as me, I was determined to continue raising awareness about online safety.
I began learning about cybersecurity and started campaigns, working with other high schoolers who had similar experiences. During this time, I realized the same issues also affected my local middle school, the one my brother went to. That’s when I realized that I had to do more than that. Posters weren’t enough to match the deaths of millions of teenagers affected by cyberbullying, the shocking statistics of the number of teenagers online that face cyberbullying, and the possibility of my brother facing cyberbullying. I wanted people to hear me and hear my voice. I wanted people to hear the voices of teenagers like me who go through the same experiences. The issue isn’t just the teenagers; parents also struggle with knowing how to limit or monitor their child’s device usage and in many cases don’t have the resources to ensure their kids are safe when online. Later, around June, one year after the incident, I started an online safety initiative called Cyber For Youth (C4Y), aimed at helping students and their parents navigate the online world safely. So far, ironically, we have delivered a workshop regarding digital footprints and cyberbullying to my freshman grade at school. Knowing that they had the resources that I couldn’t receive my freshman year, knowing that I had made an impact that they actually took, and knowing that I had made some changes to the system made me feel like something could change.


Bullying at school

When I went to school I was constantly bullied. I was called names had my dinner money taken away. I was punched. I was also shoved and tripped over. I was laughed at.


The Frenemy

So there was this girl let’s call her E. E would be my friend 1 minute and not the other she says really mean stuff and punches me but I don’t know if it bullying if I hit her back.


year one

when i was in year one everyday i would go to school and this one boy would swear at me because i wanted to be friends with his little brother and everyday i would go home and say a brand new swear word every day soon my mum noticed and went to the principal’s office and the boy got suspended but that didn’t stop him



I am on the autism spectrum so I am more different then other people I get bullied because and some of them don’t believe I have autism. But I know that I should stand up against bullying and you should too.



I tried to get away but they kept hurting me and my friends the next day we stood up and they left us alone so remember if your heart feels like you’re not important I’m here.



I had a crush on this girl and people started bullying me at first I thought they would stop but they beat me up so know I don’t trust them


don’t bully

I was at lunch and this kid said Brayden did you know if you are fat you are pregnant and everybody laughs
