In The News

Produce Short Videos-Win Prizes

January 19, 2023

Engage kids and teens to “talk about bullying” through filming videos! Inviting all K-12 students, with support from adults, to produce short (one-to-three minute) videos using template scripts for the opportunity to be featured on NBPC websites and viewed by classrooms around the country — plus, win some amazing prizes! This activity is a creative way for adults to engage youth in bullying prevention conversation while involving them in developing resources that can help educate their peers.

Visit “Students with Solutions”

Recognize Extraordinary Individuals and Groups

January 19, 2023

The UNITY AWARDS are a celebration of extraordinary individuals and groups who promote a kinder, more accepting, and more inclusive world to prevent bullying. Examples might include encouraging others to take action, advocating for those who need support, or sharing acts of kindness that cause a ripple effect of positivity in one’s community. Nominate someone who makes a difference and who deserves recognition for their efforts.

Submit a Nomination

Cyberbullying Prevention 101 Quick Guides

January 6, 2023

The three-version series with audience relevant content for elementary school students, middle and high school students and adults outlines how cyberbullying is defined, along with information on how to prevent and address the behavior.

View the series

Redraw Your World Without Bullying

October 3, 2022

Cartoon Network is partnering with PACER’s National Bullying Prevention Center again, in recognition of October as National Bullying Prevention Month. The cabler has released a new PSA titled “Redraw Your World Without Bullying.” Part of the award-winning national campaign, “Stop Bullying: Speak Up,” the PSA will also be available on all Cartoon Network social platforms, including YouTube and Instagram, beginning Monday (Oct. 3).

Under the network’s “Redraw Your World” tagline, “Redraw Your World Without Bullying” combines real-life kids and original animation plus some Cartoon Network characters, including Craig Williams, Raven, Beast Boy, and Robin. The PSA outlines how to be a successful ally to someone experiencing identity-based bullying, which targets an individual’ identity, such as their race, religion, disability, immigration status, sexual orientation,

Redraw Your World

Congratulations to the 2022 Unity Award Recipients

June 15, 2022

We celebrate and honor the ten individuals and groups who were selected from hundreds who were nominated by peers to be recognized for their contributions and accomplishments to help prevent bullying and promote kindness, acceptance, and inclusion for all.

Meet the recipients

  • Atoms Matter Student Voice Team, a school group at Alexander Science Center School from Los Angeles, Calif.
  • EllaGrace Clinger, a high school student from Shalimar, Fla.
  • Edwin Cordero, Sr., a community member from McDonough, Ga.
  • DaVonia Lashae Henry, a high school student from Kansas City, Kan.
  • Hunter Elementary, an entire elementary school from Brownstown, Mich.
  • Outspoken Oaks Upstanders, a school group at River Oaks Academy in Westlake Village, Calif.
  • Zack Retka, a high school student from Rosemount, Minn.
  • Tony Stowe, an educator from Kansas City, Kan.
  • Emma T., a first-grade student from Greenville, Ohio
  • Chantelle Vaughn, an educator from Richfield, Minn.

Kids and Teens Talk About Bullying

June 2, 2022

Congratulations to everyone whose videos were selected for the Spring 2022 “Students with Solutions” contest to produce short (one-to-three-minute) videos using template scripts! Producing the videos was a creative opportunity for adults to engage youth in bullying prevention conversation while involving them in developing resources that can help educate their peers.

When Quest Academy was asked, “What impact did creating the video have on those involved?” Their response, “Our students bonded while making this video. They grew in respect for each other’s different gifts and opinions and in confidence for their own. They grew in their ability to collaborate, listen to each other, and compromise with each other.”

Top Entries include:

Front Page News

April 12, 2022

The Friends of PACER’s Run Walk Roll was featured on the front page of the Spring 2022, PACER Partners newsletter. Everyone is invited to participate and help create a world without bullying.

Register for free

Webinar Series to Develop Your Amazing Bullying Prevention Idea

April 4, 2022

The Kids Take on Bullying webinar series, presented in partnership with Cartoon Network, is now available to watch in the classroom or during other student related activities. The series is designed to help facilitate the development and implementation of amazing ideas to take on bullying in school, community, online, or wherever you see it happen.

Watch the videos

Participate in Friends of PACER’s Run Walk Roll

March 4, 2022

A free month-long event with the goal of collectively circling the earth (24,901 miles) as many times as possible. which symbolizes the call to “moving toward a world without bullying.” Determine your own mileage goal to run, walk, roll, stroll, bike, hike, or wheel, logging the distances throughout the month. Every mile contributed will move us one step closer of a world which is kinder, more accepting, and more inclusive for all.

Learn more

Unity Awards

February 17, 2022

Nominations open now, honorees to be announced in May

Unity Awards is a celebration to recognize those who are helping to create a kinder, more inclusive, and more accepting world — whether it’s by empowering others to take positive action, advocating for those who need support, or sharing acts of kindness that cause a ripple effect in one’s community. This year six individuals or groups will be recognized with the Faces of Change award to honor them for their unique contributions to bullying prevention.

Submit a nomination
