I Care Because…

  • bully no cool.

    mynx — 16
  • I care because bullying hurts people's feelings and it could get physical and I don't want them to get hurt cause I care about them that's why I care.

    Summer — 10
  • Because it is not cute.

    DeMarcus —
  • BULLYING IS not COOL bullying hurts other's feelings it makes them feel sad and alone when they alone they get sad and feeling hurt

    izuku midoryia — 6
  • i care because bullying is wrong

    Damian — 5
  • Bullying can happen anywhere be careful my fellow students and people. I hope that you never have to experience the horrible feeling of being bullied.

    Emma — 12
  • I care because people just should just not bully, people who bully are just feeling bad about themselves and then take it out on others. Whoever out there is a victim right now. I'm rooting for you!

    Saydie — 11
  • Bullying is bad and kids should not be getting bullied they should love each other and not be making fun just because their appearance.

    Blythe — 12
  • I think bullying is bad because they are mean and it is not nice

    Damian — 5
  • I care because I think bullying is very mean and harmful. It’s not ok to bully. 🫶

    Gianna — 11