I care because i have been bullied and it hurts, and no one should be getting bullied by a peer/classmate.
Why choose Bullying, You don't even Benefit from that. The only thing that will happen is that you will make somebody else feel left out. So Why choose Bullying. Join the Cause - Kids Against Bullying.
bulling is not ok think if someone get bullied would you want that? no so don't do that to others
don't bully others you never know what they're going through.
One day somebody shouted in my ear and it hurt. Bullying hurts people.Do not bully. Be nice
Bullying is bad because it makes people feel sad and they make people feel hurt. We should care for each other.
Bullying is not nice at all
I care because bullying is important and can cause lots of problems with mental and physical health. It affects you--it changes you and hurts you. You can develop depression and anxiety and lots of health issues. It's not a good thing. It's horrible. That's why I care. It affects everyone. It can and will affect everyone. It's horrible, and since it can cause a lot of problems, I care.
be kind
because when someone says something mean it hurts your feelings and makes you feel less important. when friends say they're your friends but don't act like it. I care because no one should have to feel pain of getting bullied. because that could make someone really sad . if you say something mean to someone they could take it very personal and do something they shouldn't. but to all the kids getting bullied if something happens realize that it's not that big of a deal and the bullies are just bullying you cause something wrong with them.