I Care Because…

  • I was bullied in 3rd grade because I was wearing a traditional Indian shirt. I talked to both my parents and the principal and even though I'm in Grade 5 now, I still don't like what they did.

  • If bullying is around, it's already over.

    John — 11
  • Being bullied sucks but take a stand and do what's right

    Meredith — 11
  • Personally I believe that bullying is not a way to feel good about yourself and it can really hurt others. Bullying can cause many disasters such as: self-harm, depression, and other things. If you bully you really need to stop and it’s not okay because of the causes and impacts.

    Esmeralda —
  • Bullying does need to stop! Stay strong and stay safe. DON'T BULLY!!

    S —
  • Never bully kids if you're bigger

    Henry — 11
  • Bullies aren't cool and they should be stopped

    Samuel — 11
  • Bullying is very very bad. I was bullied 1 year ago but i talked with my mom and teacher and now I'm friends with the bullies.

    Necktaria — 12
  • Bullying is bad and if they bully you say stop or just ignore them and they will get bored

    V — 9
  • it is not nice to bully your friends or your parents either because that's not nice

    kada — 7